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Text File | 1995-06-19 | 28.5 KB | 613 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- TidBITS#110/09-Mar-92
- =====================
- This week's bug comes from the PowerBook serial ports. Far-out
- technology comes from Apple's Casper voice recognition work,
- closer-in technology comes from Australian firm Codex's XEvents
- which allow AppleEvents to move between Macs, Unix machines, and
- Windows machines, and the here-and-now technologies come from
- Pacer Software for the updated PacerTerm, Aldus for Additions,
- and UserLand for the Frontier link to PageMaker. Neat stuff!
- Copyright 1990-1992 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
- publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Other
- publications please contact us. We do not guarantee the accuracy
- of articles. Publication, product, and company names may be
- registered trademarks of their companies. Disk subscriptions and
- back issues are available.
- For more information send email to info@tidbits.halcyon.com or
- ace@tidbits.halcyon.com -- CIS: 72511,306 -- AOL: Adam Engst
- TidBITS -- 9301 Avondale Rd. NE Q1096 -- Redmond, WA 98052 USA
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/09-Mar-92
- PowerBook Serial Killers
- Additions to Aldus
- Request for MBDF damages
- XEvents
- Pacer Update
- TidBITS browsing macro
- Casper Speaks
- Reviews/09-Mar-92
- [Archived as /info-mac/digest/tb/tidbits-110.etx; 29K]
- MailBITS/09-Mar-92
- ------------------
- Some of you may notice that this issue does not contain the "end"
- tags that we've used for the past few issues. We decided to take
- them out for several reasons. First, we've had trouble accurately
- inserting them and have carefully check to make sure we had them
- right. Second, they are not part of the setext format, and have
- confused writers of setext browsers. Third, for those of you who
- are importing TidBITS files into other applications, you can
- search for the string "return, space, return, space, return" and
- achieve the same result as the one provided by the "end" tags. Our
- apologies for the inconvenience, but we feel it is for the best,
- and the issues should look nicer online without the intrusive
- tags.
- Survey happenings
- Thanks to all those who have returned the survey! We've decided to
- stop considering survey entries for buttons as of 17-Mar-92, which
- is one month after we sent it out, so please get your survey in if
- you wish to be in the running for a button. The survey is
- available from our Internet fileserver and is in TidBITS#107, and
- you can return via email to any of our addresses or via snail mail
- to the address above. For those of you who are redistributing
- TidBITS to a local mailing list or network, I'd appreciate it a
- lot if you could send me a note telling me where you are
- redistributing and approximately how many people are reading each
- issue if you can tell. Thanks!
- QuickMail comment
- Mark H. Anbinder writes in response to our comment last week that
- it would be silly to run a QuickMail client on an AppleShare
- Server 3.0 server machine: "Nothing at all silly about it.
- AppleShare 3.0 is designed to run as one of any number of
- applications under System 7, so there's no reason that an
- AppleShare 3.0 server machine couldn't be used as a QuickMail
- workstation. Obviously the more activity local to a workstation
- running AppleShare 3.0 in the background, the worse the server
- performance, and the more server activity, the worse the jerkiness
- on the workstation. Same as any other background activity. :-)
- AppleShare server software and QuickMail client software get along
- fine, by the way. All permutations except AppleShare Server 3.0
- and QuickMail server work fine."
- Information from:
- Mark H. Anbinder -- mha@baka.ithaca.ny.us
- PowerBook Serial Killers
- ------------------------
- by Nick Rothwell -- nick@dcs.edinburgh.ac.uk
- There may be problems with the PowerBook serial ports, related to
- the ROM power saving code. I've had direct comments from software
- houses about this, and although I don't want to name them publicly
- without their consent, I do think there are some serious problems.
- I should add here that I don't own a PowerBook; I was preparing to
- buy one before these problems came to light.
- My main application is MIDI (high-speed serial communications to
- drive synthesisers, other electronic musical instruments, and
- outboard effects). Macintoshes have a good deal of high-quality
- software for working with MIDI data in a number of ways, as well
- as a good environment for such software to run in (such as
- Opcode's OMS and Apple's MIDI Management Tools, which allow
- several applications to address instruments through various
- hardware interfaces attached to a Mac's serial ports, or to
- address each other, simultaneously).
- I use an SE/30 for my MIDI work, and was seriously contemplating a
- PowerBook 140 as a second machine. The PowerBooks are perfectly
- suited to live performance, being small, relatively solid, and
- extremely powerful as MIDI storage and control devices.
- I started hearing rumours about problems doing MIDI with the
- PowerBooks, and started chasing these up. The situation seems to
- be as follows (with some conjecture): the power-saving routines in
- the PowerBook ROM's occasionally kick in and disable interrupts
- for one millisecond or so, regardless of whether any of the power
- saving options are enabled or not. One millisecond is enough time
- for an overrun to occur on the input to the SCC at high serial
- speeds. The upshot is that characters are lost on input. I suspect
- that there's no problem at low speeds (such as 2400 bps modems).
- (Question: is AppleTalk a problem?) But MIDI runs at 31.25 kbps
- and is not at all fault-tolerant. Lose one byte in a large data
- dump and it can't be recovered.
- The "official" word is that the PowerBooks are fine for
- sequencing, which involves fast but sparse traffic of two- or
- three-byte messages (notes, controllers, and so on), but they're
- unusable for MIDI archiving and librarian use. My personal opinion
- given the above diagnosis is that the PowerBooks are not even
- reliable for sequencing: I suspect that even short messages can
- get corrupted on occasion, which is bad if we're dealing with
- important instrument configuration messages in live performance.
- I've spent a little time doing MIDI on a PowerBook 100, without
- any problems. This could be because I was using Apple's MIDI
- Management Tools (which may, or may not, work around the problem;
- I suspect not from what I've been told), or it could be because I
- was using a PowerBook 100 whose ROM's are based on those in the
- old Portable. Perhaps the problems only occur in the 140 and 170.
- Or maybe I was lucky: MIDI data is sufficiently sparse that the
- interrupt disabling will rarely come when data is hitting the
- ports, and the odd dropped byte can probably go unnoticed - unless
- it happens to be an important one. My understanding is that this
- problem affects input only; transmission from the PowerBooks is
- fine, and my own experiments suggest this to be the case.
- So, here I was, wondering why this problem had materialised with
- respect to MIDI and not ordinary high-speed serial communications
- such as 9600 bps modems. Then, this morning I received a mail
- message about reports of PowerBooks dropping characters when using
- Global Village's fast internal modems; the problems have been
- tracked down to straight RS-422 serial connections as well.
- The developers I mentioned earlier are pressuring Apple to explain
- and fix the situation. I don't know what form such a solution
- would take: perhaps new ROMs or an OS patch? Certainly, I'll be
- pressuring Apple as well, since this problem makes a PowerBook
- useless for my purposes, and so a purchase hangs in the balance. I
- can't phone 800/SOS-APPL from this side of the pond (Apple UK
- doesn't offer such customer-friendly services at all), but if this
- problem concerns you, you might want to pick up the phone and say
- hello to them.
- Additions to Aldus
- ------------------
- Quark XPress has had its XTensions out for a while, and Aldus is
- trying hard to catch up with Additions for PageMaker. Based on
- some of the ones we've seen, used, or heard about, PageMaker is
- well on its way in the race.
- A number of Additions ship with PageMaker, ranging from fairly
- simple ones to an Addition that takes a multiple page publication
- and rearranges all the items and pages so that it will print
- correctly so that it can easily be folded to create a booklet.
- This is a tedious and mentally-taxing job to do by hand, and the
- Addition is most welcome. Perhaps the most powerful and useful of
- the Additions that ships with PageMaker is Sort Pages, which shows
- you thumbnails of the pages in your document, (excuse me,
- publication - Aldus is picky about that) and allows you to move
- objects from one page to another or even move whole pages around.
- It's wonderful for quickly importing text and graphics and
- roughing out an overall arrangement for a publication.
- Equally as interesting are some of the third party Additions that
- have recently been announced or shipped. For those of you lucky
- enough to have a Voice Navigator from Articulate Systems, you can
- get a free Addition that will allow you to execute any function
- normally performed with the keyboard or mouse with a spoken
- command. EDCO Services has the $149 PMproKit, a collection of
- Additions including such useful ones as Type Distortion,
- LetterTalk (for viewing and modifying kerning pairs), Pica Gauge,
- Rotation and Merge (which was originally supposed to allow text
- rotation to any degree, but was cut back to merely scaling type to
- match a specific line length), and Set Up Columns. Scitex has a
- set of Additions that let you create color blends with up to 12
- different colors in linear or radial orientations, although I'd
- think that most people would do that sort of thing in an
- illustration program.
- For those who are frustrated with PageMaker's limited graphics
- import filters, Equilibrium has Import That!, a product name that
- makes more sense when paired with their other product, Rotate
- This! Import That! can import a variety of non-Macintosh graphics
- file formats, and Rotate This! can rotate bitmapped graphics to
- any degree, a trick which it actually achieves by taking a copy of
- the graphic out of PageMaker, rotating it, and then placing it
- back in. It's all done with smoke and mirrors, I'm sure. No one
- has done full text or rotation in an Addition yet, but I've heard
- that someone is working on a clever method for getting around a
- similarly glaring omission in PageMaker, grouping.
- Among all the Additions, I especially like the idea of Zephyr
- Design's $79 Zephyr Palettes for PageMaker since they provide
- seven customizable floating palettes that you can select from a
- menu at the end of PageMaker's menu bar. The palettes include
- font, font size, font style, leading, tracking, and alignment, and
- they sport some truly neat features. The font palette will group
- font families and let you create custom palettes so you only have
- to look at a few of your fonts at a time (a problem for many
- desktop publishers). The font style, leading, and tracking
- palettes all feature dynamic on-the-fly changes, so as you run the
- mouse up and down the choices, the selection will change in front
- of your eyes. For those of you without two monitors or a lot of
- screen space, all the palettes have a large mode, which shows all
- the choices, or a small mode, which uses a pop-up menu. Even if
- you do have a lot of screen space, you'll appreciate the fact that
- the palettes can either remember their last positions (even on
- second monitors) or always pop up in a default position. Finally,
- if you want the palettes to always be present when you start up
- PageMaker (without having to select it from the Additions menu),
- they come as a Control Panel too.
- Even more useful to some than the Additions already shipping is a
- free install file that allows PageMaker users to control PageMaker
- with scripts from UserLand's Frontier application. Frontier is the
- first scripting application for the Mac and can control the
- operating system, the file system, networks, and most importantly,
- AppleEvent-aware applications. Macintosh consultant Tom Petaccia
- wrote the PageMaker install file, which takes advantage of
- PageMaker's support of the standard DOSC "DoScript" and EVAL
- "Evaluate" events. By using Frontier with PageMaker, script
- writers can supposedly control over 230 PageMaker operations. The
- demos that ship with the install file mostly ask a few questions
- and then assemble a document with the results, something which I
- think could be scripted from inside PageMaker as well. I think the
- sort of thing that will make the Frontier link truly useful is
- that PageMaker's current scripting language isn't nearly as
- powerful or flexible as Frontier's language, and Frontier can also
- automate interaction with other AppleEvent-aware programs. For the
- moment, the number of those programs is limited, but it is growing
- every day. One potential use I see is grabbing information from
- Microphone II 4.0 (or AppleLink now that UserLand is working on a
- scriptable version of AppleLink for Frontier), and bringing that
- information over to PageMaker to flow into a document also created
- under script control. Pretty cool stuff eventually.
- Aldus -- 206/622-5500
- Articulate Systems -- 617/935-5656
- EDCO Services -- 800/523-TYPE
- Equilibrium -- 800/524-8651 Dept. EP1
- Fast Electronic -- 604/669-5525
- Scitex America -- 617/275-5150
- UserLand Software -- 415/325-5700
- Zephyr Design -- 206/324-0292 -- ZephyrDsgn on AOL
- Information from:
- Aldus propaganda
- Boyd Multerer of Zephyr Design -- ZephyrDsgn on AOL
- UserLand propaganda and demo files
- Request for MBDF damages
- ------------------------
- by Mark H. Anbinder -- mha@baka.ithaca.ny.us
- Good afternoon. I am a Macintosh technical consultant in Ithaca,
- New York, where two Cornell University students were arrested last
- month for allegedly creating and releasing the MBDF virus. I've
- been asked to assist in collecting some information for an ongoing
- investigation being conducted by Investigator Scott Hamilton of
- Cornell's Department of Public Safety.
- IF YOU WERE DIRECTLY AFFECTED by the MBDF virus, please send me a
- detailed description of the damages and expenses incurred. See
- below for details of what I need to know.
- IF YOU WERE NOT DIRECTLY AFFECTED by the MBDF virus, please don't
- reply to this message. If you have been affected by other viruses,
- but not MBDF, please don't reply to this message. If you are not
- sure whether your computer was infected with MBDF, please obtain a
- current Macintosh anti-virus utility (such as Disinfectant 2.6 or
- Virus Detective 5.0.2) and check carefully.
- Investigator Hamilton needs concrete information about damages and
- expenses that were incurred as a direct result of the MBDF virus.
- He needs:
- * Monetary expenses resulting from lost time expressed in DOLLAR
- VALUE (or other currency if not US) of the time or lost business
- expressed in value of the lost business, that is directly due to
- * The monetary value of YOUR TIME required to remove an MBDF
- infection or repair damage caused by MBDF;
- * Monetary expenses incurred having a paid consultant or dealer
- remove an MBDF infection or repair damage caused by MBDF;
- * Monetary expenses incurred obtaining new anti-virus utilities
- (buying commercial ones, paying to update commercial ones, paying
- shareware fees, or downloading freeware or shareware utilities
- from a pay service) for the express purpose of removing an MBDF
- infection, NOT for protection "just in case";
- * Monetary expenses resulting from time needed to recreate data
- lost due to MBDF;
- * Other damages that can be documented.
- He can NOT consider expenses resulting from efforts to protect
- your computer or computers from the virus if an infection was not
- present. Please do not write unless you were actually directly
- affected by MBDF.
- In addition to the above, we need:
- * Your name and company name (if applicable)
- * Your e-mail address
- * Your complete postal address
- * Your telephone number
- Investigator Hamilton may need to get in touch with you for
- additional information, so please be sure to provide all of the
- above.
- Please send this information to me (Mark H. Anbinder) via Internet
- email. If that is not feasible, please send it to me via postal
- mail at the below address, or to:
- Investigator Scott Hamilton
- Department of Public Safety
- Barton Hall
- Cornell University
- Ithaca, New York 14853 USA
- If you know of anyone who was affected by the MBDF virus, please
- pass this message along to them.
- I will do my best to reply to all messages I receive, but please
- understand if I don't do so right away. :-) Thanks for your
- assistance!
- Mark H. Anbinder
- BAKA Computers, Inc.
- 200 Pleasant Grove Road
- Ithaca, NY 14850
- XEvents
- -------
- Almost everyone believes AppleEvents will be cool when
- applications start seriously using them. I think that's the
- appropriate belief; I just wish that AppleEvent-savvy applications
- would start saturating the market. Part of the problem might be
- that the whole point of AppleEvents is that applications can use
- them to communicate with other applications. If no other
- applications are supporting AppleEvents, these companies think,
- why should we push to do so with our programs? Yet another
- application of the chicken and egg conundrum.
- Codex Software, an independent company from Australia, may help to
- break up this dilemma with its new product, XEvents. Originally
- called CodexEvents, XEvents consists of a set of libraries that
- allow AppleEvent-style events (XEvents are intentionally very
- similar to AppleEvents) to be passed between programs running on
- Macs, Suns, and NeXTs linked via a TCP/IP network. This may sound
- a tad technical for many of you, but that's OK, it's supposed to.
- Codex is shipping the XEvents Software Development Kit (SDK) for
- the Mac, Sun, and NeXT platforms for about $345 US, so only
- developers can really get in on the fun for the moment.
- Codex has initially released XEvents for the Mac, Sun, and NeXT,
- but they are working on a version of XEvents that runs under
- Windows as well. Codex is also considering porting XEvents to the
- RS/6000 workstations from IBM, Apple's A/UX, and in the future,
- Windows NT, but supporting the Mac, Sun, NeXT, and Windows will
- cover most people.
- Nevertheless, the long range results of XEvent support in
- different applications running on different platforms should be
- obvious. It was a big deal when some companies came out with
- versions of their software that could share files between
- different platforms. I think it's an even bigger deal that you can
- pick and choose what software you want to use on whatever
- platform, and merely have the applications on the different
- platforms communicate. For instance, I could envision a situation
- where someone might want to use Nisus on the Mac to create text
- for a publication that had to be laid out in FrameMaker on the
- NeXT along with data from a Windows spreadsheet. If everyone
- supported XEvents, that should be a piece of cake, or at least
- less of a pain that it would be now.
- Codex has a couple of demos of XEvents, including a simple command
- line tool for Unix that allows a Unix host to send core suite
- events to the Finder on networked Macs. There is also a NeXTstep-
- based version of this tool that allows a NeXT to query and control
- (at a basic level of Open, Print, Quit, etc.) applications running
- on a Mac over the network. For applications that support
- AppleEvents but not XEvents, Codex has a background application
- that receives XEvents from non-Macintosh machines and converts
- them to AppleEvents before sending them off to the original
- recipient.
- One interesting little feature of XEvents on the Macintosh is that
- because it does not use the Event Manager under System 7,
- applications can be written with inter-application messaging
- facilities even under System 6.0.5. That might be useful for
- companies who want to keep a feature set stable but want to
- support both System 6 and System 7. If you're interested in
- learning more about XEvents, contact Brett Adam via one of the
- ways below.
- Brett Adam
- Codex Software Development Pty. Ltd.
- 15A Merton Street
- Albert Park, 3206 AUSTRALIA
- Phone: + 61 3 696 2490
- Fax: + 61 3 696 6757
- Email: AUST0335@applelink.apple.com -- bpja@codex.oz.au
- Information from:
- Brett Adam -- bpja@codex.oz.au
- Codex propaganda
- Pacer Update
- ------------
- by Mark H. Anbinder, TidBITS Contributing Editor
- mha@memory.ithaca.ny.us
- Patience is a virtue, right? Well, Pacer Software Inc. has just
- rewarded its loyal PacerTerm customers for being so virtuous, by
- sending out a two-diskette update for this high-end Communications
- Toolbox (CTB)-compatible communications package. The update
- includes Pacer's long-awaited ZMODEM file transfer tool, which was
- promised to purchasers last summer.
- In addition to the ZMODEM tool, the update package includes
- PacerTerm 1.0.2, the MacTCP 1.1 update, the Hayes Modem Tool for
- use with the CTB, and an assortment of updated Pacer CTB tools.
- The Hayes Modem Tool is a nice addition; this tool is intended to
- replace the Apple Modem Tool, which is widely held to be the
- weakest link in the CTB chain.
- Of course, the weakness of the Apple Modem Tool simply reflects
- the fact that Apple's intention was for third-party developers to
- provide the REAL functionality for the Communications Toolbox, and
- Pacer and Hayes have clearly answered the call. The Hayes tool
- offers numerous improvements over the Apple tool that it replaces
- (among other things, it's vastly more configurable), and Pacer's
- ZMODEM tool is, as far as I know, the first one available for the
- CTB.
- With the number of users clamoring for a ZMODEM file transfer tool
- for use with Communications Toolbox applications, we suggest that
- Pacer offer their ZMODEM tool for sale as a stand-alone product.
- [Adam: I suggested to this to Pacer at Macworld, and they said
- that although they would like to do just that, they just can't
- afford the costs of bringing out a commercial package that they
- couldn't sell for much money.] A reminder, though... Pacer's
- ZMODEM tool is _not_ freeware, and should not be distributed or
- copied. At first glance it looks like one of Apple's free tools,
- but it's not one of them. PacerTerm is $249 retail, which is bit
- steep just to get a ZMODEM tool, but it's an excellent package
- overall.
- [Adam: Also note that Seaquest Software will supposedly ship in
- April an extension to the Communications Toolbox to support ZMODEM
- transfers. It will be bundled with Seaquest's XMODEM and YMODEM
- tools for $69.]
- Pacer Software -- 619/454-0565
- Seaquest Software -- 503/531-0252
- TidBITS browsing macro
- ----------------------
- by Ian Feldman -- ianf@random.se
- Those of you that read the weekly issues using the "rn" program
- (under Unix) may now be able to browse, jumping directly from
- topic to topic with the help of a special rnmacro. Simply add the
- following 4 lines to the ".rnmac" file in your home directory (or,
- if there isn't one, create it first with "cat > .rnmac^M^D"):
- # jump forward to next TidBITS.etx topic/ subhead/ subsubhead;
- # replace the ^M string last in the macro with an embedded carriage
- # return (control-V, control-M in the shell or C-q C-m in emacs)
- V %(%m=p?g\^[\^-= [(>]^M)
- From now on typing an uppercase V (mnemonic for ARROW DOWN) will
- jump to next topic or subtopic in TidBITS. Subsequent jumps may be
- commanded either with G (repeat last-defined search pattern) or V.
- Sadly, it only works forward in the text, not backwards. Should
- there be a real rnmacro expert among you then you're welcome to
- enhance it further still. Also, in the process, make it use the
- "d" half-screen scroll option instead of current full-screen one
- (to speed things up).
- Casper Speaks
- -------------
- Anyone who has been to a Macworld Expo has probably seen the Voice
- Navigator people demonstrating how easy it is to create their
- corporate logo with Voice Navigator even when speaking at the
- speed of a trained auctioneer. Despite that fact that most of us
- couldn't give a hoot about creating the Articulate Systems logo
- and few people even want to talk that fast, it's an impressive
- demo. Heck, I want to test one.
- Apple may have just upped the ante in terms of demos with the
- demonstration of Casper, the listening Mac. (Sounds a bit like a
- cross between Casper the friendly ghost and Mr. Ed the talking
- horse, no?) Casper is essentially some very sophisticated software
- that allows a Mac to recognize vague commands from almost any
- speaker. From what I've heard from people who have seen the demos,
- it really does recognize continuous speech, and can even respond
- with voice output as well.
- Casper must be doing quite a bit more extra processing on the
- incoming voice data than the Voice Navigator does because the
- Voice Navigator merely matches a voice waveform to an entry in a
- command dictionary, whereas Casper has several hundred words
- attached to each command, though I'm not entirely sure how that is
- set up (partly because Apple isn't saying). Several of the demos
- have asked Casper to do relatively complex things like looking up
- and dialing phone numbers, acting as a voice interface to a VCR,
- and paying bills electronically. Apparently, in development Casper
- was fed a large number of sentences spoken by many different
- people, which avoids the Voice Navigator's requirement of training
- the software to each individual. Of course, this is still a
- technology demo, which means that it might still be a couple of
- years before it becomes a commercial product, but it's still
- incredibly promising, especially for everyone who has been lusting
- after a Star Trek-style communicator and computer interface.
- Casper does not require any special hardware, unlike all of the
- other speech-recognition products on the market for Macs and DOS
- machines, although the demo was done on a Quadra 900 with a
- digital signal processing (DSP) chip and a better microphone than
- currently comes with the Mac. I imagine that the technology could
- be made to work on a plain 68030, but it might be too slow to
- really use. Just another incentive to upgrade, I guess, and Apple
- very well may start building the necessary hardware into the
- upcoming Macs. One place that the speech recognition technology
- will almost certainly appear is in Apple's Personal Digital
- Assistants (PDA) which are reputed to use the RISC technology
- developed by Advanced RISC Machines Ltd., the British company
- Apple helped form a while back (See TidBITS#33). Anything with a
- 3" x 5" screen and no keyboard needs a better method of working
- with data than a stylus. Casper does not currently do dictation
- (or Windows, for that matter, but more on that next week!), which
- will limit its use for actually entering data, but merely being
- able to recognize commands should be quite useful.
- I'm curious to see how Apple will handle the interface to Casper,
- because if it can recognize any voice, it will have to be able to
- block out surrounding voices. Data muggers could appear too -
- people who would make comments over your shoulder to your Mac or
- PDA running Casper. "Oh you mean I shouldn't have said "Erase the
- hard disk... yes, I'm sure I want to do that." to your Mac? I'm
- sorry." I'm sure that Apple will work out safeguards for that sort
- of thing, but it's certainly something to think about. In the
- meantime, we all have one more future to drool over.
- Information from:
- Brian S. Kendig -- bskendig@phoenix.Princeton.EDU
- Gary Stephens -- 90700449@dcu.ie
- Related articles:
- MacWEEK -- 03-Feb-92, Vol. 6, #5, pg. 1
- MacWEEK -- 02-Mar-92, Vol. 6, #9, pg. 1
- Wall Street Journal -- 24-Feb-92, pg. A3
- Reviews/09-Mar-92
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK
- Quark XPress 3.1 -- pg. 33
- Frontier -- pg. 33
- Nikon LS-3510 AF Slide Scanner -- pg. 39
- Crash Barrier -- pg. 40
- ClipMedia CD -- pg. 40
- PROclaim! CD -- pg. 40
- Nisus Compact 3.3 -- pg. 41
- References:
- MacWEEK -- 02-Mar-92, Vol. 6, #9
- ..
- This text is wrapped as a setext. For more information send email
- with the single word "setext" (no quotes) in the Subject: line to
- <fileserver@tidbits.halcyon.com>. A file will be returned promptly.